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Here we are back in the saddle for another year and for our very first ‘Ask The Influencer’ instalment (of the year) I’m thrilled to welcome the ever-popular Olivia White from House of White.

We spoke to Olivia to get her take on what she believes is the key to a successful influencer and brand partnerships and what advice she has for small businesses considering an influencer partnership.

Here’s what Olivia had to say:

 What do you look for in a successful brand partnership?

I look for an organic relationship with the brand and their purpose and beliefs. If we already have that connection then the rest just flows so naturally, and building that trust with your audience between you, them and the brand just flows.

What sort of content best engages your audience?

Personally, I find that giving people an unfiltered insight into your life is how I best build that engaged relationship with them. Not everything has to be pretty pictures and people appreciate your raw honesty.

What advice do you have for small businesses considering an influencer partnership?

  • Be selective. You don’t need to flood the space. Find the right fits for you. People who align with your beliefs and can authentically translate your products and message to their audience.
  • This also doesn’t have to be the person with the most followers. You need to do your research and don’t be afraid to ask for all the information you need to make sure that persons the right fit for you.
  • Look at people’s insights. Who is following them? Is this your target audience? How have their previous campaigns performed? What are people engaging with them for?
  • Sometimes using a small handful of people ongoing is a lot more powerful than using a lot of people once. It helps you both build that trust with people and your product/s.

If you want to learn more about how to use influencers to help grow your business, then check out our Influencer Engagement 101 manual which will teach you everything you need to know, from understanding the power of content and audience engagement, to identifying the best and most impactful influencers for your brand or business. We also share our ten-step process for using influencers to create brand impact.