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If you’ve been following what we do here, you would have heard me bang on about the importance of newsworthiness when pitching stories to the media.

To put it simply, if your story is not newsworthy, then it’s going to be of limited interest to the media – which is the biggest mistake many people make when trying to generate publicity and media exposure. That is, thinking only of their own business, product or company announcement, hoping to generate some media coverage without actually considering whether the story holds any news value at all.

However, the good news is, that once you understand “news values” and what makes a good story, you can deliberately craft story angles that deliver on these news or editorial values and provide the journalist and media outlet with strong editorial content – all while integrating your brand or business. Kind of like a working backwards approach.

If you haven’t been following and want to learn what these news values are, then check out this previous blog.

With all of that said, I’m about to let you in on another little PR secret…

The fact is, not all stories start out with immense amounts of news value. And for those aren’t inherently newsworthy, there are in fact ways that you can actually enhance the news appeal of your story, or to simply create news when it otherwise doesn’t exist.

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll share with you some tried and tested tactics that seasoned PR pros execute on a daily basis – simple editorial tricks that can turn mediocre stories into media must haves, generating high quality media exposure that drives business impact.

So, be sure to check back in next week when we share the first five of our top ten editorial tactics for generating winning publicity.  See you then!